
Eric made his debut on the professional stage on 11 January 1978 in the PACT (Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal) production of DIE KEISER by Bartho Smit and worked for the remainder of the year under contract to SWAPAC in Windhoek. In 1979 he returned to PACT, an association that would continue until 1986. During this period he established himself as a leading actor in such diverse roles as Faan in FAAN SE STASIE (by Pieter Fourie); Org in PA MAAK VIR MY ‘N VLIEËR PA (by Chris Barnard); Bezuidenhout in THE ROAD TO SLAGTERSNEK (by Andrè P. Brink); Mitch in  DIE TREM SE NAAM: BEGEERTE (A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE by Tennessee Williams); and Cyril in HUIS OP HORINGS to mention only a few of many stage perfomances.

In 1995 he started to produce his own shows and has subsequently toured South Africa and Namibia successfully with his one-man shows.

Amongst his favourite film and television roles are “Cpl. Botes” in BOETIE GAAN BOERDER TOE, “Johnny Roodt” in 1945, “Pa Visser” in SIEN JY NOU , “Lotter” in MA-PLOTTERS , “Hans Horrel” in MEESTER, “Wynkan” in STERK SKEMER. His televison work since 2000 include “Boompie in EEN SKOENLAPPER (SABC 2, 2001) “Frans Roos” in GAUTENG-ELENG-ELENG (SABC 2, 2003, 2004) Dries Liebenberg in KNOWN GODS (Mnet 2006); “Cyril/Cy” in GERILDINA 2 (Kyknet, 2007) “Giel Swiegers” in VLUG NA EGIPTE and TERUG NA EGIPTE ( Kyknet 2015) and the pathologist Dr. Fritz in BYL (Kyknet 2016)

On stage Eric will be best remembered as “Org” in PA, MAAK VIR MY ‘N VLIEËR PA (Chris Barrnard); “Stoffel Gieljam” in  DOPPERS EN FILISTYNE (C.J. Langenhoven), his first one-man show; “Pieter de Witt” in DONKERLAND, Deon Opperman’s epic drama; DIE SKANDAAL, the successful farce he co-wrote with Deon Opperman and Lizz Meiring; Deon Opperman’s festival hit ONE MAN’S LIFE. He has also had great success with two of his other one-man shows, BROEKBREIN created by Eric and written by Chris Vorster; and Deon Opperman’s TELL ME THE TRUTH. In 2007/08 Eric toured the festival circuit in the P.G. du Plessis comedy hit SOPHIA MENTZ BEREDDER HAAR BOEDEL in which he payed Tor Mentz. Eric is currently touring the country with DOPPERS EN FILISTYNE and  LEOPARDS, LOVE POTIONS AND OTHER MARICO TALES by Herman Charles Bosman.

For his stage work he received the Johannesburg Civic Theatre Trophy as well as a Vita Theatre Award for his interpretation of MITCH in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE as well as Best Actor nominations for ORG in PA, MAAK VIR MY ‘N VLIEËR PA in 1985. His performance in ONE MAN’S LIFE earned him a Fleur du Cap Best Actor nomination 1999. In 2002 he won a FNB Vita Theatre Award as Best Actor for his portrayal of Albert Lombaard in BOEKBREIN as well as a FNB Vita Theatre Award for the Best New South African Play ( as producer/creator) of BROEKBREIN.

He was nominated for Best Actor Awards for “Lotter” in Ma-Plotters (SABC 1988); Artes nomination for Best Actor as Hans Horrel in Meester; AA Life/ Mnet Best Supporting Actor nomination for “Platvoet” in Windprints (Feature Film) 1993; ATKV  Media Veertjie Best Actor nomination (2016) for “Giel Swiegers” in Vlug na Egipte (Kyknet).

Eric maak sy debuut op die professionele verhoog op 11 Januarie 1978 in die TRUK (Transvaalse Raad vir Uitvoerende Kunste) produksie van DIE KEISER deur Barto Smit en werk die res van die jaar onder kontrak by SWARUK in Windhoek. In 1979 keer hy terug na die Transvaal en TRUK, ‘n verbinteniswat sou duur tot 1986. Sy voorliefde vir die verhoog het in die tyd tot uiting gekom in uiteenlopende rolle soos o.a. Faan in FAAN SE STASIE; Org in PA, MAAK VIR MY ‘N VLIEËR PA; Bezuidenhout in THE ROAD TO SLAGTERSNEK (DIE VERHOOR deur André P. Brink); en Cyril in HUIS OP HORINGS om net ‘n paar van vele verhoog produksies te noem.

Onder sy gunsteling rolprent en televisie vertolkings tel hy “Kpl. Botes” in BOETIE GAAN BORDER TOE; “Johnny Roodt in 1945; “Pa Visser” in SIEN JY NOU; “Lotter” in MA-PLOTTERS; “Hans Horrel” in Meester en “Wynkan” in STERK SKEMER.  Sy televisie werk sedert 2000 sluit in onder meer  “Boompie” in EEN SKOENLAPPER ( SABC 2, 2001); “Frans Roos” in GAUTENG-ELENG-ELENG (SABC 2, 2003, 2004); “Dries Liebenberg” in KNOWN GODS (Mnet 2006, SABC 2008); Cyril/Cy in GERILDINA 2 (KYKNET, 2007)

Op die verhoog sal hy veral onthou word as Faan in FAAN SE STASIE (deur Pieter Fourie); Stoffel Gieljam in DOPPERS EN FILISTYNE (deur C.J. Langenhoven); Pieter de Witt in DONKERLAND; ONE MAN’S LIFE; TELL ME THE TRUTH en BOESMAN, MY SEUN…, almal deur Deon Opperman; en BROEKBREIN, geskep deur Eric en geskryf deur Chris Vorster. In 1997 was hy een van die medeskrywers saam met Deon Opperman en Liz Meiring van die treffer klug DIE SKANDAAL. In 2007/08 het Eric die rol van Tor Mentz vertolk in die uiters gewilde P.G. du Plessis stuk, SOPHIA MENTZ BERREDER HAAR BOEDEL se landwye toer.

Hy ontvang in 1985 die Johannesburgse Stadskouburgtrofee en die Vita Teatertoekenning vir sy vertolking van Mitch in DIE TREM SE NAAM: BEGEERTE (A Streetcar Named Desire) asook benoemings vir PA MAAK VIR MY ‘N Vlieër PA (1985); MA-PLOTTERS (1988); DIE MEESTER (1992); ‘n AA Lewns/Mnet benoeming (1993) vir “Platvoet” in WINDPRINTS (Internasionale Speelfilm) en STERK SKEMER (2000). Vir sy vertolking van ONE MAN’S LIFE word hy in 1999 benoem vir ‘n Fleur Du Cap toekenning. In 2002 wen hy die FNB VITA Teater Toekenning as Beste Akteur vir sy vertolking van Albert Lombaard in BROEKBREIN asook vir die Beste Nuwe Suid Afrikaanse Toneelstuk (as vervaardiger/skepper) ook vir BROEKBREIN

Eric toer steeds met sy uiters suksesvolle eenman vertonings DOPPERS EN FILISTYNE (C.J. Langenhoven) en LEOPARDS, LOVE POTIONS and OTHER MARICO TALES (Herman Charles Bosman). Hy is onlangs gesien as Giel Swiegers in Vlug na Egipte en Terug na Egipte geskryf deur Paul C. Venter en vervaardig deur Stark Films en as die pataloog in BYL, ‘n reeks vervaardig deur Loin’s Head Productions met regie deur Reghard v.d. Bergh.